Start Up

Old blogs never die, they just…sit there forever collecting virtual dust.

I couldn’t go back there. I couldn’t just pick up and go on without saying anything about not posting for three years. But I couldn’t go back there and do one of those, “It’s been awhile since I paid attention to this blog…” kind of posts either. Oh my gawd I hate those! I vowed years ago NEVER to write one of those. “…and so I promise to post more regularly here and keep you up to date…blah, blah, blah…” Hate ‘em.

So I decided to just walk away. Start all over again as if that other blog had never happened. Just let it sit there. A relic of an earlier place and time.

I have a new project just underway and it seemed like a good time to start blogging again, so for starters, that is what this blog will focus on. I’m sure it will evolve but it all starts with Artie.

I’ll tell you how it started, next time.

Artie’s Virtual Adventures


Paul Campbell


Now read this

The Lakehouse

I spent last night - all evening and into the wee hours - sitting on the couch in the living room of my new/old lakehouse, feet up, listening to music from my virtual iPod. For the first couple hours, it was progressive rock. Then I... Continue →