The Lakehouse

I spent last night - all evening and into the wee hours - sitting on the couch in the living room of my new/old lakehouse, feet up, listening to music from my virtual iPod. For the first couple hours, it was progressive rock. Then I switched to classical.

Today, I’m down the hall, in my office, classical music again. I’m settling in, decorating. The spot that was supposed to be for a big comfy visitor’s chair has been taken over by a second bookcase because there are just that many books. Many are still packed away and others will be moved up from the city. This is really home now. We may spend weekdays there for Artie to go to school and for me to go to work and for baseball and soccer practice and clarinet lessons and doctors appointments and car repairs and…all that other stuff. But this is where we “are.”

Yeah, so what was that? Looks like some kind of in-character writing. I wanted to write something personal about my first days in my new virtual digs and working on building my story. And it came out like that, above.
Interesting. Am I going to need another blog? Maybe so.

A few months back when I was first writing my characters for the Artie stories, I thought about the role of Artie’s Mom and how I would write it. I filed my notes and hadn’t thought about it again until yesterday. I had an idea for a story involving Artie’s Mom and the way it evolved made it something Artie’s Dad (me) would write, rather than a story Artie would tell.

My original idea for this project was to write stories in Artie’s voice, first-person, Artie talking directly to the reader. Then came story ideas that lent themselves to being told by Artie’s Dad. Yesterday’s idea was a story that wasn’t really about Artie at all, it was about his parents and would be told by his Dad.

This project already had more layers than I originally anticipated. I’m open to exploring different paths with this.

I guess the next thing I should do is make a separate blog for the kind of piece I started writing at the top here.


Now read this

First Steps

A long time ago, I did a little acting. Very little. Only got a couple of parts. Did a lot of theater workshop though. Lot of improv. I developed a few characters in a regular improv workshop and on a public radio show which featured... Continue →